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Phase 3 coming soon?


Its been 6 days with no direct community transmission or dormitory infections. However, imported cases are still a concern. If we let our guards down now, we might be having a second wave of Covid-19 cases.

How to make things better and move on to Phase 3?

1) Download the TraceTogether app and continue SafeEntry check in and check out.

We encourage everyone to download the App or collect a Token for use at the TraceTogether-only SafeEntry premises. TraceTogether tokens are now available for collection at 38 Community Centres/ Clubs (CCs) around Singapore, and are expected to be available at all 108 CCs by end-November 2020. Please refer to the TokenGoWhere website ( to find the latest schedule and locate a convenient site for collection

2) Continued adherence to the Safe Management Measurement (SDM).

Limit your group size to 5! If you are involved in a big gathering, you are letting your guard down! You won't want to be sneezed upon with a person that is not wearing his/her mask properly and then bringing it home to your loved ones.


No mask means no entry to the Tanjong Katong Shopping Centre! So please put on your mask properly and when in our shop. You will not be allowed entry if you do not perform SafeEntry check in.

Together we can tackle this Covid-19 if everyone is disciplined and take precaution.

Looking forward to having 8 at gatherings instead of 5!

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