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Phase 2 Re-opening of Retail Establishments

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) announced on 19 May that Singapore would exit the Circuit Breaker from 2 June and resume activities in three phases. On 15 June, the MTF announced that Phase 2 will commence on 19 June. Apart from a short list of exceptions, Phase 2 will entail the resumption of most activities, including the reopening of retail establishments.

To provide a safe environment for customers and workers, retail establishments that will reopen in Phase 2, must implement Safe Management Measures, as required by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and comply with the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations.

Stipulated Occupancy Limits

  1. All shops within malls are required to adhere to maintain at least one-metre distancing between individual customers (if they are alone), or groups of customers (up to 5 persons).

  2. As our shop is a small retail shop, we will only allow 2 non-related customers or 3 if you are from the same household, in store. You will be asked to queue outside if we are currently entertaining a customer in store.

  3. Unfortunately, we will not allow a group of 5 in our store, your group will be required to disperse and break into 2 or more groups if you require to enter our store. The remaining group must be outside and more than 1m apart.

Contact tracing

All customers must scan in SafeEntry displayed outside our store to facilitate the collection of information for contact tracing when needed. Please have your smart phones ready.

Health checks

We must conduct temperature screening and checks on visible symptoms for customers and turn away those with fever and/or who appear unwell. You will also be turned away if you do not have a mask or refuse to wear a mask. We will direct you to the mall security if you do not comply.

We will not be issuing any free masks to our customers.

Hand sanitizers will be placed for everyone's usage.

Remember, clean your hands and try not to touch your face.

Cleanliness and hygiene

All customers and our staff must put on their masks properly at all times. We will ensure frequent cleaning and disinfection of our display shelves where customers are served, items that have high human contact.

Other recommended guidelines

  • We highly encourage the use of our NETS Terminal instore (Cashless). Just take note that we currently do not have contactless payment.

  • We encourage customers to call 67442503 to check if our store is open and make an appointment to avoid crowding.


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